Submission Guidelines and important information for poster and Papers
Please read the following information before submitting your abstract
The Selected Abstracts / E-posters will be published in Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology – Red Flower Publications.
A Copy will be Given to the Principal Investigator / Corresponding Author
Editor-in-Chief Nutan Agarwal
p-ISSN 2321-1636
e-ISSN 2455-5339
IC Value 72.87 (Index Copernicus)
Abbreviation IJOG
Frequency 4
Publishing Year 2013
Affiliated to RFPPL own publication
Readership Obstetricians, Gynecologists, General Practitioners, Family Practitioners, Endocrinologists, Oncologists, Pediatricians, and Neonatologists
Current Issue Volume 5, Number 1 2017
Abstracting and Indexing information
Indexed with & Covered by: Index Copernicus, Poland; ProQuest, USA; Genamics JournalSeek; WorldCat; CiteFactor, USA; Cosmos Impact Factor, Germany; Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, Kazakhstan; Gaudeamus Academia; iiiFactor, London, International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF); International Scientific Indexing (ISI), Dubai; Journal Factor; Journal; MIAR, Barcelona; Polish Scholarly Bibliography, Poland; Research Bible; Research Impact Factor; Root Society for Indexing and Impact Factor Service; Scholar Steer, California; Science Library Index, Australia; Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), USA; Scientific World Index; The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE); International Services For Impact Factor And Indexing (ISIFI); Journals Impact Factor (JIF).
Journal Description
Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (IJOG) publish original, peer-reviewed work in all areas of obstetrics and gynecology, including Obstetrics, Midwifery, Maternal medicine, Fetal medicine, Gynecological urology, Gynecological oncology, Gynecological endocrinology, Infertility, Reproductive medicine, Genitourinary medicine, Sexual medicine, Prenatal diagnosis, Perinatology, Cytopathology, General gynecology, Community gynecology, Family planning, Epidemiology, Reproductive ethics, Research into medical education, Menopause, Operative gynecology. The journal publish original study, reviews, case reports, letters to Editor, short communication, journals scan, conference calendars in all issues.
Instructions for preparation of an Abstract
Step 1
Enter the title and abstract text.
Title (MAX. 50 Words)
The title should be as brief, but long enough to indicate clearly the nature of the abstract.
Abstract (MAX. 300 Words)
Any abstracts exceeding the word limit will not be accepted.
References are not required.
Do not use tables or figures
Proposed studies / presentations should be significantly advanced or completed at the time of abstract submission.
Step 2
Enter information about the authors and affiliations.
You must enter the names of all authors here (including yourself if you are an author) in the order in which you wish them to appear in the printed text.
You can nominate one presenter, which can be yourself (the person submitting the abstract) or any other of the authors.
Step 3
Enter information about the authors and affiliations.
Presentation Format
Please select if you wish your abstract to be considered for ‘Oral Presentation’ or ‘Poster Presentation’. The Committee reserves the right to decide on the final method of presentation.
Poster size: 36 inches tall and 48 inches width.
Step 4
You will informed if your abstract is accepted by E-mail.
- Submit one page poster file using MS PowerPoint(ideal).
- Use of templates for poster creation.
- Use landscape format (4:3 ratio) only.
- Restrict File size to below 10 Mb.
If you have any questions regarding submitting an abstract, please contact by E-mail or phone.
Last date for Submission: July 31 st 2017